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Welcome to Congregation Beth Shalom. We are happy you will be a part of our family.

Please fill in all applicable boxes below. We also request that you email a picture of you and/or your family to  We will upload your picture in our system on your page.

If yes, please forward a copy of the conversion documents to the attention of the rabbi


Financial Commitment Form

Please read the following carefully

1. Our fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th.  Your financial commitment will apply from now until June 30th.  Member contribution and other financial obligations to the synagogue may be paid monthly, semi-annually or annually.  (Please be sure to indicate your preference)

2.  The Building Fund and Other Fees are detailed on the Member Contribution Schedule Fom.  Also refer to the Member Contribution Schedule for definitions of membership categories and member contribution rates.

Signatures for Agreement:

I (we) agree to pay the above stated fees (appropriate member contribution, building fund and religious school) for the year 2024-2025 as indicated on this form

Membership is renewed automatically each July 1st.  To terminate your membership, you must submit a resignation in writing to the synagogue office.  All balances due are an obligation of membership and are collectable.  This form is an integral part of our accounting system.  It must be signed upon application.


Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785