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 Tribute Opportunities

Tribute Opportunities

Building Fund… provides funding for restoration and renovation of the building

Capital Fund…used for major expenses to repair or replace interior or exterior fixtures

Chesed Fund…used to support meals and assistance to those ill or in mourning

Chumash… donating the Etz Hayim Prayer book to Beth Shalom for Saturday morning services

Education Fund…used to supplement the Education department and all Educational events

Gan Gilner Fund…provides funds to maintain the Gan Gilner Garden

General Fund…used to support a variety of synagogue programs and helps pay for basic operational costs

Kiddush Fund…provides funds to support the weekly Kiddush Lunches.

Kitchen Wish List Fund…provides funds for maintenance of all kitchen equipment

Klein Family Ramah Scholarship Fund… provide funds for children to attend Camp Ramah in the summer

Dr. Martin Yanuck Library Fund…provides funds to maintain the library with the newest and updated books

Prayerbooks... donate either a Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat/Festivals or a Mahzor for the High Holidays to Beth Shalom

Preschool Fund…used to supplement the Alefbet Preschool and all preschool events.

Preschool Art Fund…to support the arts in the preschool in loving memory of Skye Alexis Litvin

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund..used at the discretion of the Rabbi for scholarships and a variety of charitable and educational purposes as well as projects within the synagogue and the community.

Social Action Fund ...provides funds to enable us to do various community service projects for those in need.

Torah Fund…used to repair or purchase new Ritual items for the sanctuary

USY Make a Change Scholarship Fund…used to assist families in providing a Jewish experience for their teens through USY

Youth Programming Fund..used to support all the Youth programs.

To make a larger contribution or create a new fund, please contact Loli Gross, Executive Director, at 770-399-5300.

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Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785